Welcome to KemonoMimiShrine!!

We are a group of artists who is passionate about making crafts, merchandise and artworks about series that we are a fan of!!

KemonoMimiShrine(KMS) is an art circle of four creatives :
- Yasuu
A Love and Deepspace/Haikyuu fangirl and draws a lot of bunny Xavier to show her love
- Akairi
She shows her passion in crafts by making embroidery pins and merchandises of clothes
- Nerophic
Loves Holostars, Love and Deepspace, FFXIV and will draw your favourite character via commissions
- Leianyx
Tries her best to draw the details of Wuthering Waves and Hoyoverse characters, and a keychain lover
Feel free to click any of the links above to check out their works!!
Or click here to see their socials


Akairi ( DearCShop )



Keychains, standee, badges, prints, stickers

Akairi ( DearCShop )
Cosplay prints, CD, stickers, embroidery pins/badges, acrylic keychains

Scrunchies, mini fans, shikishi commissions

keychains, omamori
